AgeZIP Code: 79536State: TX
Infants and Children1,266--
20 - 39 yrs old1,347--
40 - 59 yrs old1,222--
60 + yrs old997--
EducationZIP Code: 79536State: TX
Did not graduate High School (%)47.14--
Some College (%)18.84--
Bachelor's Degree (%)3.07--
Graduate Degree (%)1.37--
Closest Two-year Public CollegeTEXAS STATE TECHNICAL COLLEGE-SWEETWATER(24 miles)--
Closest Four-year Public CollegeHARDIN-SIMMONS UNIVERSITY(16 miles)--
IncomeZIP Code: 79536State: TX
Median Per Capita Income$37,052--
Median Household Income$55,000$66,790
Average Household Income$71,906$92,511
CrimeZIP Code: 79536State: TX
Total Crime Risk
A score that represents the combined risks of rape, murder, assault, robbery, burglary, larceny and vehicle theft compared to the national average of 100. A score of 200 indicates twice the national average total crime risk, while 50 indicates half the national risk. The different types of crime are given equal weight in this score, so murder, for example, does not count more than vehicle theft. Scores are based on demographic and geographic analysis of crime over seven years.
Personal Crime Risk
Index score (100=National Average) that represents the combined risks of rape, murder, assault and robbery.
Murder Risk
Index score (100=National Average).
Rape Risk
Index score (100=National Average).
Robbery Risk
The act of unlawfully taking the property of another by the use of violence or intimidation. Index score (100=National Average).
Assault Risk
The act of unlawfully threatening or attempting to injure another. Index score (100=National Average).
Property Crime Risk
Index score (100=National Average) that represents the combined risks of burglary, larceny and motor vehicle theft.
Burglary Risk
The act of entering a building or other premises with the intent to commit theft. Index score (100=National Average).
Larceny Risk
The unlawful taking and removing of another's personal property with the intent of permanently depriving the owner. Index score (100=National Average).
Motor Vehicle Theft Risk
Index score (100=National Average)
EnvironmentZIP Code: 79536State: TX
Average Annual Rainfall
Combined average annual rainfall and snowfall in inches.
Air Pollution Index
A score that represents the relative air quality by combining indices of Ozone, Carbon Monoxide, Lead, Nitrogen Oxide, and Particulate matter and comparing to the national average of 100. A score of 200 indicates twice the presence of air pollutants than the national average, while 50 indicates half the presence. The different types of pollution are given equal weight in this score, so ozone, for example, does not count more than lead. Scores are based on demographic and geographic analyses of pollution over seven years.
Average July Temperature (°F)83.6582.3
Average July High Temperature (°F)95.17
Average January Temperature (°F)43.445.4
Average January Low Temperature (°F)31.5332.58
DemographicZIP Code: 79536State: TX
Ethnicity: White5,266--
Ethnicity: Black5--
Ethnicity: Indian11--
Ethnicity: Asian8--
Ethnicity: Hawaiian0--
Ethnicity: Other Race24--
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino28--
Male (%)48.7749.6
Neighborhood*ZIP Code: 79536State: TX
Number of Households2,05110,561,295
Family Households1,4187,465,310
Average Family Size3.263.55
Population Density (persons per square mile)18114
Closest Major AirportAbilene Regional (20 miles)
Closest Major Sports TeamMIDLAND ROCKHOUNDS (AA) (130 miles)
Population Change Since 2000 (%)4.9218.28
* - Based on 2010 Census (latest available)